When students have completed an intervention, users may choose to adjust the End Date if needed, and apply an optional Exit Status when applicable. This lesson goes through the steps of manually setting an Exit Date and applying an Exit Status.
Where to Start
- From the Launchpad, select View My Interventions.
If looking to end a particular student's intervention, you can also access their intervention by going to their Student Profile page and selecting the intervention.
Exit Date and Exit Status
- Use the filters as needed to find the student(s) to exit.
- Select the Group Name on the left to view the details.
- Select the Student Details tab to set dates and statuses.
- The End Date column is automatically populated with the last day set in the Schedule.
- If a date needs to be extended outside of the populated, update the date via the Schedule tab.
- If a Student is exiting sooner than the last day of the schedule, double click into the End Date column for the chosen student. Use the calendar to set the appropriate date.
- (Optional) An Exit Status can also be added at this time. Exit Statuses are configured by system admins. Choose a Status by double clicking into the cell, as made available and as it applies to the student's reason for being exited.
- Each Exit Status also corresponds with a Tag. A Student Tag is automatically applied with the Exit Status, so students can then be filtered for based on the Tag in different areas of the system.
- To learn more about configuring exit statuses, view Configure Intervention Exit Status.
End Progress Monitoring
If the Progress Monitoring date also needs to be updated due to the student exiting the Intervention, this should be completed at the same time:
- Select the name of the student that is being exited.
- Go to the Progress Monitoring tab.
- Select the three-dot menu.
- Choose Modify Measure from the list.
- Update the End Date accordingly.
- Select Done to save the changes.
Next Steps
Need to add new students to an intervention? Visit Add and Delete Students from an Intervention.