Organizations often need information on various integration points between FastBridge and eduCLIMBER. This FAQ can help answer many of those questions.
Data Questions
What data can be imported into eduCLIMBER from FastBridge?
All FastBridge assessments
- Included in the export is the overall score and score details (such as national percentile rank, risk level, etc.)
- Note that score details are dependent upon the assessment taken at various times of the year. Therefore, "Fall to Winter Growth" is a score detail that will display once the winter assessment is taken.
- All universal screening assessments
- This includes SAEBRS and mySAEBRS.
- The export includes the overall behavior score and score details (such as risk level). The export does NOT include the domain scores (Social Behavior, Academic Behavior, Emotional Behavior); these scores are only available in the Group Screening Report in FastBridge.
- SAEBRS and my SAEBRS data are displayed in eduCLIMBER similarly to how assessment data is displayed.
- This includes SAEBRS and mySAEBRS.
- All academic progress monitoring data
- This includes the scores for progress monitoring as well as the progress monitoring goal/value.
- This does not include intervention details.
- In order to ensure that educators can easily view FastBridge progress monitoring data in eduCLIMBER, someone with the Assessment Configuration permission can configure FastBridge assessments as progress monitoring measures within eduCLIMBER.
Note that at this time, behavior progress monitoring data from FastBridge cannot be imported into eduCLIMBER.
FastBridge assessments have additional score details. Are those available in eduCLIMBER?
- All score details (such as national percentile rank, risk level, etc.) provided on the FastBridge extracts (Student Data Download) are imported into eduCLIMBER.
- These details are automatically charted for each student when viewing a specific student's FastBridge data within eduCLIMBER.
- Any score detail can be used to create a Performance Band.
- This is beneficial when educators want to answer a variety of questions:
- Example: An educator wants to identify the students who made X growth from one universal screening window to the next. That educator can then configure a Performance Band using the score detail from the winter assessment called "Growth Score from Fall to Winter."
- Note that score details change based on the time of year the assessment is taken. Fall to Winter information is present in the winter data. Fall to Spring information is present in the spring data.
- This is beneficial when educators want to answer a variety of questions:
Intervention and Progress Monitoring Questions
Can progress monitoring data be sent to eduCLIMBER?
Academic progress monitoring data is automated and is sent from FastBridge to eduCLIMBER via nightly sync. This includes the progress monitoring goal/value. Therefore, educators can skip adding the goal in eduCLIMBER when creating the intervention/progress monitoring. When skipped, the goal/value populates in eduCLIMBER with the automated upload from FastBridge. By not adding the goal in eduCLIMBER during the creation of the intervention and having FastBridge data automated into eduCLIMBER, educators can ensure the goal is automatically updated in eduCLIMBER when the goal is updated in FastBridge.
- This data is only accessible on the Student Profile until the progress monitoring measure is linked to an intervention.
- Once linked to an intervention, the data will display within the intervention details.
- Behavior progress monitoring data does not get added to eduCLIMBER. If you want to see behavior progress monitoring data in eduCLIMBER, that information must be manually entered into eduCLIMBER.
If an educator provides information about the intervention being implemented as part of the progress monitoring setup process in FastBridge, will that information be available in eduCLIMBER?
Not at this time. Information about the intervention being implemented will need to be manually entered into eduCLIMBER to see that data within eduCLIMBER. However, progress monitoring data collected in FastBridge does sync to eduCLIMBER on a nightly basis.
*It is recommended to skip the step in FastBridge in which educators may optionally provide information about the intervention being implemented. This will help eliminate duplicate steps.
Are goal lines calculated similarly between FastBridge and eduCLIMBER?
- This resource provides information about the Rates of Improvement between FastBridge and eduCLIMBER.
- This resource provides information on the similarities and differences between the Progress Monitoring Reports in each system.
- This resource provides information on the eduCLIMBER Trend Line and the FastBridge Projection Line.
Do Intervention Procedures in FastBridge come over as Intervention Strategies in eduCLIMBER?
No, intervention procedures enabled in or added to FastBridge do not get automatically added to eduCLIMBER as intervention strategies. These will need to be manually added to eduCLIMBER.
*It is recommended to skip the step in FastBridge in which educators may optionally provide information about the intervention being implemented; this eliminates duplicate steps. As a result, it is recommended that district leadership avoid duplicate steps of adding interventions to both FastBridge and eduCLIMBER; instead, leaders should focus their efforts on ensuring that all available interventions are enabled in eduCLIMBER.
Are progress monitoring measures used in FastBridge added to eduCLIMBER and set to progress monitoring measures in eduCLIMBER?
Progress monitoring assessments from FastBridge are automatically added to eduCLIMBER. However, the current default is "Standardized Test." Therefore, users with permission in eduCLIMBER to "Manage Assessment Configuration" will need to access each test used for progress monitoring and change the assessment type to "Standardized + Progress Monitoring." Changing this ensures interventionists are able to select that assessment as the progress monitoring measure for interventions within eduCLIMBER.
*If you do not see the assessment within the assessment list, check to be sure the assessment has been uploaded and validated.
Do assessment administration notes added to FastBridge transfer to eduCLIMBER?
No, notes that educators record within the FastBridge system when collecting student data from teacher-administered assessments do not currently transfer from FastBridge to eduCLIMBER or from eduCLIMBER to FastBridge.
If I make edits to the intervention in FastBridge, will those edits also apply to the intervention in eduCLIMBER?
If progress monitoring data from FastBridge is not flowing into eduCLIMBER, can we get this setup so we can see progress monitoring data from FastBridge in eduCLIMBER?
In most cases, progress monitoring data is automated and flows into eduCLIMBER. If you notice progress monitoring data is not synced from FastBridge to eduCLIMBER, please submit a ticket to eduCLIMBER Support to get this data synced.
No, edits made in the progress monitoring plan/intervention are not currently reflected in both platforms (just the one in which the plan was edited).
*It is recommended to skip the intervention details and intervention schedule steps when setting up progress monitoring plans in FastBridge. This will help eliminate duplicate steps.
We have progress monitoring data synced from FastBridge to eduCLIMBER. When we initially created interventions, we did not link the progress monitors. How can I link existing monitors to existing interventions?
To link an existing monitor to an existing intervention, follow the steps below:
- Access Monitors on the Student Profile.
- Find the existing progress monitoring probe to link to intervention and select the 3 dot menu.
- Select Link to Intervention.
Benchmarks/Performance Bands Questions
Knowing that selected FastBridge assessments are re-normed during each summer, will that be automatically reflected in eduCLIMBER within the Performance Band?
The annual FastBridge Benchmark/Performance Band needs to be updated each year for each district. While eduCLIMBER provides the new Performance Bands annually, it is not automatically added to each district. Therefore, someone from the district will need to reach out to our support team or their CSM to get the new FastBridge Performance Band added each year. To learn how to mark each annual Performance Band as the default, please visit the Marking the Annual FastBridge Performance Band as the Default for All School Years article.