This lesson explains how to use the Data Purge Tool to either remove or export Assessment, Incident, Attendance, or Intervention Data by School Year.
Required permission: Manage District Information
Where to Start
- Open System Configuration.
- Select the District & Schools tab.
- Select the 3 dot menu.
- Open the Data Manager.
- By default, the module will open to the Data Manager tab.
- Use the drop-down to choose the School Year to export or delete data from.
- Use the drop-down to select the Type of data to export or delete.
- Enter into the Search bar to filter to a specific data set. (optional)
- Select the 3 dot menu in the far-right column of the row of data that will be deleted or exported.
- Choose to either Export or Delete the data.
Export Data
A pop-up appears confirming what data will be exported and explaining the next steps.
- Click Queue Export to begin the export process.
- A confirmation message appears at the bottom right of the page.
Delete Data
A pop-up appears confirming the data that will be deleted.
- Enter "delete data" into the text box to confirm.
- Select Delete.
- Select the Logs tab.
- Sort by column by using the drop-down and entering keywords into the text box. (optional)
- A list of deleted data will appear along with who deleted the data and when it was deleted.
Next Steps
Now that you've learned how to export and remove data, take a look at how to set up School Incident Notifications.