This lesson guides users through managing Grade levels in eduCLIMBER. Users with permission have the ability to add/delete, alias, rank, activate/deactivate, and enable/disable grade levels.
Required Permission: Manage School Records
Where to Start
- Navigate to System Configuration.
- Select District & Schools.
- Choose Manage Grades.
- Existing grade levels appear in the table. Select Add Grade to add a new level.
- Apply a Rank to a grade level by double-selecting the box for that row. Ranks determine the ordering of grade levels in drop-down menus across the system.
- Edit Aliases by double-selecting the box for that row. Aliases tell eduCLIMBER how to interpret values coming in through imported files.
- Activate a grade level by using the slider. Deactivating a grade level removes it from drop-down menus across the system.
- Exclude a graded level by using the slider. If a grade is marked excluded, records associated with that grade level will be prevented from being imported. For example, if you do not want to import PK/4K students in a roster import. Existing imported records will not be affected.