After submitting incidents to the state, some error messages may display. This article helps users understand how to fix errors that may arise. The steps to complete this process are currently in the Classic View user interface (UI).
Required Permission: Submit Incidents to the State
Organizations may see an error message that reads: Validation of 'StudentDisciplineIncidentAssociation' failed. Below is information in correcting any errors.
- Select Manage.
- Select Configuration.
- Select the arrow to the left of Incidents.
- Select General Setup.
- Select Ed-Fi State Reporting.
- Select the version for the year of which incidents were submitted.
- Select the year for the data reporting.
- Choose to see pending incidents only (optional).
- Select Search.
- All incidents that meet the search criteria display in the left menu. Incidents that have errors are identified with red text. (Those incidents in black text will be fixed through DPI not eduCLIMBER.) Click on any incident that erred to see the error message/code. All errors will need to be adjusted within your platform for those incidents to be submitted successfully.
- Once an incident is selected in the left menu, the error messages/codes will appear in a red box on the right side of the screen. If there is one error on the incident, you will see Err#0 along with the fix for the error. If you have two errors on the incident, you will see Err#0 and Err#1 along with their corresponding fixes and so forth. These (i.e. Err#0, Err#1) indicate the number of errors on the incident.
Below are possible errors along with the corresponding fix:
State Code Not Configured for (behavior)
This indicates the incident behavior does not have a state code identified. You will need to add the state code (i.e. 01, 02, etc.) for that specific behavior. This can be on the main behavior or a behavior detail option.
- Adding the state code for the main behavior
- Select System Configuration.
- Select Incidents.
- Select Incident Types.
- Select the incident type that is being reported (i.e. Major, ODR, etc.).
- Select Codes.
- Double-click within the State Code column to add the state code for the identified incident code.
- Adding the state code for a behavior detail/subtype option
- Select System Configuration.
- Select Incidents.
- Select Incident Types.
- Select the incident type that is being reported (i.e. Major, ODR, etc.).
- Select Codes.
- Select the subtypes field to access all subtypes for the identified code.
- Double-click within the State Code field to add the state code for the identified subtype.
Discipline Action Length is required for response of (response)
This indicates a discipline action length needs to be added for a specific response. You will need to add this discipline action length as a custom field for the response. Then, you will need to add the length of time the discipline was assigned (you can report in half days or full days).
Adding Discipline Action Length
This relates to the Configure Response Custom Field Definitions found in this manual.
- Select System Configuration.
- Select Incidents.
- Select Responses.
- Select the state-reported response.
- Double-click within the Field Definition cell and add a custom field with the field definition of "Discipline Action Length".
- With this new custom field added, go back to incidents with this error and add the discipline action length (reported in half/full days).
Student does not have a State ID assigned
This indicates an incident is being reported to the state for a student who does not have a state ID assigned within eduCLIMBER.
- Adding a State ID to a Student
- Select System Configuration.
- Select Students & Guardians.
- Select Students.
- Select the student of which needs a state ID assigned within eduCLIMBER.
- Navigate to the IDs page to confirm no State ID is added for the identified student.
- Contact eduCLIMBER Support to have the team help assign a State ID for the student.