This lesson will guide users through defining and adjusting score ranges in a Performance Band set within your eduCLIMBER system.
Required Permission: Manage Target Sets
Before You Begin
This lesson begins assuming a Performance Band Set has already been created and Score Displays have already been added. If they have not, take a look at Creating a Performance Band Set and Adding Score Displays.
Where to Start
- If any assessments, windows, or grades were selected during configuration, a variation for each set of score ranges will appear. Otherwise, only one set of ranges will appear for all Assessments, Grades, and Windows.
- Use the filters to select Assessments, Windows, or Grades to determine which set of ranges appear.
Entering Ranges
- Select the drop-down arrow to open a score range set.
- Double select any number in the Starting Value or End Value column to change the value. The numbers entered should be based on the values assigned to the text within Score Displays.
As you update scores in the Starting Value column, the End Value column will automatically update. Be sure to complete the final End Scores for both the benchmark view and the detailed+data wall view. These should be equal.
Next Steps
To learn more about Target Sets in your eduCLIMBER system, see the lessons in the Performance Bands manual.