Performance bands are a quick way to indicate what range a score fell in by applying a color to the score. These colors apply to student scores across the eduCLIMBER platform. This article explains the common reasons why colors may be applied incorrectly or not at all.
Why is the entire chart gray?
No Performance Band Set Applied
Example: In this example, no performance band has been applied to the graph.
Issue 1: If a default performance band has not been selected, one will not apply when an assessment data search is run.
Resolution: Users will need to manually select which Performance Band to view by using the top right drop-down of each chart. It is recommended that all assessment groups have a default performance band set selected, so all charts have colors viewable to all users automatically. If one has not been selected, take a look at Setting a Default and Applying Performance Bands.
Issue 2: No performance band has been created for the assessment. If the top right dropdown, does not have any performance band options, then none have been created for the selected assessment.
Resolution: A user with permission will need to create a performance band set. Get started by taking a look at Creating a Performance Band Set.
Performance Band Set is Targeting a Score Detail
Example: In this example, the At Risk performance band set is applied and is targeting the Risk Level score detail.
Issue: If the selected Performance Band set is targeting a score detail instead of the primary score and that group of student's does not have scores for that score detail, the entire graph will appear gray because there are no scores for the performance bands to apply to.
Resolution: If there should be score detail scores, they will either need to be entered for the student manually or the district will need to reach out to the vendor to request the score detail be added to their export file. Once the scores are in eduCLIMBER, colors will apply to the graph. In the meantime, a different performance band set would need to be applied.
Why is a single bar gray?
Individual Grade Level Bar(s) are Gray
Example: In this example, the selected Performance Band Set (2012 Fountas and Pinnell) has score ranges entered for grades 3-4, but not grades k-1.
Issue: If individual grade level bars are gray, this is most likely due to the selected performance band set not including score ranges for those grades.
Resolution: If the Performance Band set has been supplied by a vendor (in this case Fountas and Pinnell) and they did not include score ranges for the grade levels, the ranges cannot be updated as these are global target sets that apply to all districts. As an alternative, districts can make a copy of the Performance Band set and add their own ranges to the grade levels, then applied the copied Performance Band set to their charts.
If the Performance Band set was created by a district, they need to either add or update the ranges for the needed grade levels. Take a look at Configuring a Performance Band Set.
Individual gray grade level bars could also result from the performance band set targeting a score detail instead of the primary score. If the grade levels that appear gray do not have scores for the selected score detail, the performance band set will not have anything to apply to, resulting in a gray bar.
Why is a portion of a bar gray?
Scores Do Not Fall Within Score Ranges
Example: In this example, a portion of the 6th grade bar is gray.
Issue: If a student's score falls outside of the score range level for the performance band selected, it will not be colored.
Resolution: If the Performance Band set has been supplied by a vendor, the ranges cannot be updated as these are global target sets that apply to all districts. As an alternative, districts can make a copy of the Performance Band set and adjust the score ranges, then applied the copied Performance Band set to their charts.
If the Performance Band set was created by a district, they need to update the ranges for the needed grade levels. Take a look at Configuring a Performance Band Set.
Gray portions of bars could also result from the performance band set targeting a score detail instead of the primary score. If the students who appear gray do not have a score for the selected score detail, the performance band set will not have anything to apply to, resulting in a gray bar.