Kristen Royster

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Recent activity by Kristen Royster Recent activity Votes
  • Key Performance Indicators Overview

    Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are the critical indicators of progress toward an expected result. Admin users select KPIs for the organization, which populates the District Dashboard automatica...

  • Managing Assessment Types in eduCLIMBER for Successful Progress Monitoring with FastBridge

    In order to ensure that progress monitoring data collected in FastBridge is easily accessible within the eduCLIMBER system, it’s important to ensure that the FastBridge progress monitoring measures...

  • Send SchoolCity Assessments to eduCLIMBER

    This lesson guides users through sending assessments to eduCLIMBER. Available assessments to send include Item Bank, Answer Key Only, Express, ExamView, and Performance Based and must have at lea...

  • Contacting Support

    Not able to find the answer to your questions in the help center? Use the information below to create a ticket for your product's support team with all of the needed information to get your quest...

  • Which Product am I Using?

    Illuminate Education has multiple products. Use the information below to determine which product you're using and resources available for each product. Data and Assessment (DnA) Login site:...

  • SFTP Server Maintenance

    eduCLIMBER conducts bi-weekly SFTP Server Maintenance to improve performance and reliability. This article outlines the details of the maintenance schedule. SFTP Server Maintenance Cadence: Bi-we...

  • Charting Overview

    The Charting tab provides users a place to perform different types of Searches to answer specific questions. Charting includes search functions, custom data walls, scatter plots, longitudinal grap...

  • Students 3D Overview

    Students 3D is a feature that allows users to group and filter students in a way to get whole child data. This lesson provides users a brief overview of navigating Students 3D. Where to Start G...

  • Create a Student Learning Objective (SLO)

    Student Learning Objectives, or SLOs, are developed by educators to focus on student growth. After a small group meets to determine what information is needed for an SLO, this lesson guides users ...

  • Enable SLO Reviewers

    This lesson shows admin level users how to enable other users to approve Student Learning Objectives. Where to Start Go to System Configuration. Approve SLO Select Users & Security . Select ...