This lesson guides users through Grouping and Filtering results when searching in Students 3D. Grouping and filtering students allows users to group students together and only view students that meet specific criteria. This allows users to find students and get a whole-child view.
Where to Start
- Go to Students 3D.
- Use the dropdown menus to select the:
- School Year
- School (Optional)
- Grades (Optional)
- Select Search.
Upload student photos to see images in the charted view.
Group Students
Select a Group to reorganize the data. The highest population of students in a Group appears on the left, and descends in order to the lowest population on the right. Students can only be grouped by one of the available options.
Filter Students
- Select a Filter to narrow the students that appear in the original search. Each Filter will request additional information.
Restrict Results acts as an OR function when filtering. Enabling Restrict Results ensures a search of students that meet ONE of the set filters OR another, but not both.
Require All acts as an AND function when filtering. Enabling Require All ensures a search of students that meet ALL of the set filters. Student results must meet every set filter to be included.
Filter by Assessment
- Select an Assessment Group from the list.
- Select an Assessment.
- Select Window.
- Use the dropdown menu to select a Score Detail Type.
- Enter a Minimum Score into the text box.
- Enter a Maximum Score into the text box.
- Use the dropdown menu to select a Target Set.
- Use the dropdown menu to select a Target Descriptor.
- Use the dropdown menu to select a School Year.
- Select Apply.
Filter by Attendance
- Use the dropdown menu to select the Months.
- Use the dropdown menu to select a Weekdays.
- Use the dropdown menu to Filter by Attendance Rate.
- Enter a Min Rate into the text box.
- Enter a Max Rate into the text box.
- Use the dropdown menu to select an Attendance Type.
- Enter a value into the Min Days Student Enrolled value text box.
- Use the dropdown menu to select a School Year.
- Use the slider to Restrict Results.
- Select Apply.
Attendance data is calculated based on the total amount of time a student did not attend school. For example, if a student is tardy to school the first 8 days of school, users will see the student has missed 1 cumulative day.
Filter by Courses
- Select a School year from the list.
- Select a User.
- Use the dropdown menu to select a Course(s).
- Use the dropdown menu to select a Period(s).
- Select Apply.
Filter by Demographics
- Select a Demographic from the list.
- Use the dropdown menu to select a School year.
- Use the dropdown menu to select a Period(s).
- Use the slider to enable Restrict Results.
- Use the slider to enable Require All.
- Select the space to update the additional field. This field will depend on the Demographic selected.
- Select Apply.
Filter by Disability
- Use the checkboxes to select a Disability(s) from the list.
- Use the dropdown menu to select a School year.
- Use the slider to enable Restrict Results.
- Use the slider to enable Require All.
- Select Apply.
Filter by English Learner
- Select an English Learner filter from the list.
- Use the dropdown menu to select a School year.
- Use the slider to enable Restrict Results.
- Use the slider to enable Require All.
- Use the dropdown menu to select an ELP Level or ELP Status from the list. This option will depend on the selection in Step 2.
- Select Apply.
Filter by Ethnicity
- Use the checkboxes to select an Ethnicity(s).
- Select Apply.
Filter by Gender
- Use the checkboxes to select a Gender(s).
- Select Apply.
Filter by Incident
- Enter a data Incidents occurred after.
- Enter a data Incidents occurred before.
- Use the dropdown menu to select an Incident Type.
- Use the dropdown menu to select an Incident Code.
- Use the dropdown menu to select a Location.
- Use the dropdown menu to select a Response.
- Enter the Minimum number of Incidents a students should have.
- Enter the Maximum number of Incidents a students should have.
- Use the dropdown menu to select a School year.
- Use the slider to enable Restrict Results.
- Select Apply.
Filter by Meal Status
- Use the checkboxes to select a Meal Status.
- Use the dropdown menu to select a School Year.
- Use the slider to Restrict Results.
- Select Apply.
Filter by smartFORM
- Use the checkboxes to select a SmartFORM.
- Use the dropdown menu to select a form status.
- Use the dropdown menu to select a School Year.
- Use the slider to Restrict Results.
- Use the slider to Require All.
- Select Apply.
Filter by Tag
- Select an English Learner filter from the list.
- Use the dropdown menu to select a School year.
- Use the slider to enable Restrict Results.
- Use the slider to enable Require All.
- Use the dropdown menu to select an ELP Level or ELP Status from the list. This option will depend on the selection in Step 2.
- Select Apply.
Remove a Filter
- Remove added filters by selecting the x next to the Filter name along the top of the graph.
Next Steps
To learn more about Students 3D, visit Navigate Charts and Tables in Students 3D.